Uploaded by: nucleusanimation | January 05, 2009
http://www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation on prostate cancer surgery shows the laparascopic removal of a cancerous prostate gland and its surrounding tissues. A prostatectomy is a surgery to remove an enlarged prostate gland due to benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer. Simple or radical prostatectomy can be done using open or laparoscopic techniques. ANCE00192
Additional Reading:
![Life, Sex, and Prostate Cancer Surgery: How One Man Healed and Was Made Whole](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=0275981355&tag=healisweal-20)
![Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgery](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=0982878257&tag=healisweal-20)
![Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments, and Aftereffects](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=0470578815&tag=healisweal-20)
![Management of Prostate Cancer](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=B001LDJFXS&tag=healisweal-20)
http://www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation on prostate cancer surgery shows the laparascopic removal of a cancerous prostate gland and its surrounding tissues. A prostatectomy is a surgery to remove an enlarged prostate gland due to benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer. Simple or radical prostatectomy can be done using open or laparoscopic techniques. ANCE00192
Additional Reading:
Hi, You have great blog for reader.
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There are many Surgery-related complications like affect five to 10 per cent of men, include bleeding, infection and heart and lung problems, the risk is lower for younger, healthier men.
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